Dan Hoare, Senior Regional Officer for the Butterfly Conservation group, has news of a new book out aimed at woodland owners who want to manage their woods for butterflies and moths.

This A4 softback colour book aimed at landowners and land management professionals gives the information you need to implement effective woodland management for wildlife, focusing on the requirements of woodland butterflies and moths.
The illustrated guide includes key principles of woodland management for biodiversity, with up-to-date management advice in species-specific pages with threats, requirements and management advice for key declining species.
More information including the special introductory offer can be had on the flyer.
I’d like to send you a few copies of our new woodland management book which is finally out – can you let me know your address please?
I also attach a flyer in case you want to advertise it to any of your contacts (feel free to wait and see it first!). We originally discussed you perhaps taking a bulk lot and reselling them but as it’s on special offer anyway (probably until September, despite what it currently says on the website) it might be easier just to do it direct. It is also quite long and detailed, so it won’t be suitable for every small woodland owner. We are just finalising a briefer leaflet version which will be distributed free, so that will certainly be suitable to getting to all of your owners. I expect that to appear in August.
I’ve been glad to see you and the Rother Guardians continung your good work – please pass on my apologies for not attending the next meeting in July!
Hope all is well with you,
all the best
Dr Dan Hoare
Senior Regional Officer – South East
Butterfly Conservation
Queen Elizabeth Country Park
Gravel Hill, Horndean
Hampshire, PO8 0QE.