Requests for access to woodlands for activities such as forest school, nature therapy and courses/training, plus woodland sites which provide such facilities.
If you are interested in offering your woodland for a particular request please email Mary to be put in contact with the person looking for a site. Any agreements reached between owners and users will be independent of SWOG.

18/6/24: Certified forest bathing guide Sam Duffin is seeking woodland to use in or around the Farnham area, on the Surrey/Hampshire border.
Found Outdoors, a 54 acre rewilding project in Wiltshire including two large areas of woodland, is available for events, workshops, etc. for groups of up to 30 people.
26/2/24: Kelsey Easton, a level 3 Forest School leader, is looking for suitable woodland near Wakefield in West Yorkshire to run outdoor learning sessions for 3-8 year olds.
9/2/24: Janet Drake (Body Mind as One) is looking for woodland near Ipswich/Hadleigh in Suffolk to lead Forest Bathing walks.
15/1/24: Jack Cotterill Tree Services are looking for woodland within the West Midlands, Worcestershire, Staffordshire or Warwickshire needing some tree felling (<380 mm) to train new employees in late January.
27/11/23: Vanessa Bear (Wild and Wellbeing) is looking for woodland in the Staveley/Kendal area for the purposes of nature therapy.