Will Tomkins from the Small Woods Association has sent us information on a scheme which would help owners of unmanaged wood in the West Midlands.
For more detals contact the number below directly.
Around half of the woodlands in the West Midlands are undermanaged. This represents an untapped resource that could be producing thousands of tonnes of sustainable and renewable wood fuel every year. Heartwoods can provide free advice for farmers and landowners who are interested in bringing their woodlands back into production.
The Forestry Commission estimates that the UK’s woodlands could produce an additional two million tonnes of renewable woodfuel each year without diverting wood from existing markets.
The Heartwoods Project within Small Woods is funded through the Rural Development Programme for England, and helps farmers and woodland owners identify the economic potential of their woodland. If you own woodland in the West Midlands, Heartwoods may be able to help you and your business.
Mike Bentley, Heartwoods project manager said “Thinning woodlands to produce woodfuel is truly a win-win situation. More woodlands are managed which is good for their long-term survival and provides biodiversity benefits; woodland owners and local businesses can generate income to support the local economy; and we all benefit from a carbon-lean energy supply.”
One of the main services provided is an advisory visit to woodland owners and occupiers. A Heartwoods forester will undertake a site visit to identify key opportunities and constraints to enable improved woodland management. This will enable the woodland owner to realise the full economic potential of their woodland. This in turn could provide the basis for a management plan or other activities that could be funded under the Forestry Commission England Woodland Grant Scheme or through other relevant funding mechanisms.
For advice please visit www.heartwoods.co.uk or to talk to someone about how we can help your woodland please call 01952 435860.